As a Catholic I find myself living in an increasingly intolerant society so far as my faith and my beliefs would have it. Lying in my sick bed I have had every opportunity to listen to the news and to opinion concerning the bru haha created by Keith, Cardinal O'Brien Primate of Scotland. Leaving aside for the moment just what this fuss has been about ( I will return to the subject later) I have been struck by just how much old fashioned bigoted hatred is to be found in the hearts of the so called liberal establishment. References to "allegiances to Rome" and the use of the word "Vatican" as a term of insult. Amazing. And this hatred was broadcast on good old BBC Radio 4. I have to say that some of the comments aired by that broadcast station made my hair curl. And why, one wonders, is it so acceptable to bad mouth the Catholic Church and Catholics? Perhaps because if we were Moslems being insulted and denigrated in this way we would bomb them? Yes, that must be it. Double-Standards.
Gordon Brown is a control freak. Yes, a good old fashioned dictator would suit his style of management. And the New Labour project quite early on descended into fascistic tendencies. It is plain wrong to deny a free vote on a matter which is all about conscience. And why this bullyboy tactic anyway? Who is pulling his string? And why?
What is certain is that the usual subjects - the Multinational Pharmaceutical Corporations (mainly American) stand to make Billions out of this research. But it is less certain, indeed extremely improbable, that any 'cure' for Parkinson's Disease or MS will come out of this 'science'. Research into cures for these diseases are already within reach using harvested stem cells from Placentas and skin and from other living sources. It is cheaper science too. But the British public is being lied to by the government and its spin doctors when they say, quite incorrectly that this science will bring about cures for these dreadful diseases. As of yet not one, not one single 'cure' has come out of destroying life in this way. Destroying and manipulating. Do we have no respect and dignity for the human being anymore. The so called 'Chimera' clause, allowing scientists to place human DNA into Animal eggs (and vice vers of course) is particularly worrying. Why does the UK government think this is an OK procedure when just about every other government looked at it, then said 'no thanks'. Yes, which is where the Monsantos of this world come in. Not allowed to do it in the US so lets get over to that friendly UK and do this stuff over there.
The arrogance of the scientific community (and this government) is breathtaking. Back in early January the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Agency issued the first three licences for 'Chimera' research. This was before the Bill which contains the legislation to allow this to happen had even been delivered from the government printers. So far as they are concerned this Bill is a 'done deal'. Hence Brown's panic now as he realises that it aint quite the 'done' deal he thought it was. Very far from being in the bag.Typical of the style of the 'New Labour' project. Lets piss on the people now. ***** Democracy.
Quite a lot of effort over the weekend from various scientists to persuade us that "of course" we would never go there. Never create any abhorrent half man half animal hybrid. But, you know, I don't believe 'em. And why? Because scientists could never resist doing "just another experiment" to "see what happens". Its the nature of science. They just will not be able to resist. So best not allow them to begin in the first place since we know that science is incapable of any meaningful self governance.
I am not into conspiracy theories but I am aware of what goes on in the world. Just a note to the thinkers out there who might read this Blog. Is it really credible that the US Military and the Russian Military are investing thousands of millions of Dollars into this research in order to cure Parkinsons Disease? I think not.