The United Nations long ago lost any moral authority it may have had.The General Secretaryship of Bortras Bortras Gali was wholly a disaster. During his leadership very little leadership was to be spared. The most gross dictatorships were allowed to run amok completely unchallenged. So that it is now possible for the most crooked and brutal of African and Asian dictatorships to libel truly democratic powers as 'fascist dictatorships' and breakers of human rights.
The rantings and ravings of President Mugabe of Zimbabwe and the President of Iran at an supposed conference of the United Nations in Rome should not surprise us. This is exactly the legacy of Gali to which I referred above. It was sickening, it was hypocritical and it was tolerated, nay, encouraged by that body.
Is it not sick and hypocritical of Mugabe to point the finger of blame at the UK and to blame us for the starvation of his people. Isn't it now thirty years since Zimbawe was granted Independence? Get over it Bob.
And as for that clown, the President of Iran.... Words are inadequate and when can we expect the big stick which lands heavy blows, aka The Israeli Self Defence Airforce to eradicate the Tehran nuclear bomb project. Lets cheer them on when they do it.
When you see UN Bun fests like the one in Rome, with its attendant charlatans, fools and clowns you just have to wonder what value, if any that once august body now has in the world.