In today's Independent newspaper is a front page story which claims that the Moslems of Europe feel as if they are the "modern Jews" - despised, hated, persecuted. First; what an irony then. The much mythologised and very vile "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" a true hate filled anti-semitic tract is in general circulation in the Arab states and is recommended reading on many Arab University campuses. I have myself seen this pamphlet in several Islamic bookshops in Newham. And every Arab state has as a legitimate political aim, indeed even placed in some state constitutions the elimination of the State of Israel. So called "Holocaust denial" is taught in many otherwise credible Arab universities as serious history.
But actually are moslems generally despised and persecuted? I don't think so. Indeed the reverse is more true. After all, what else can we make of the statement yesterday by one of our principle Law Lords (Lord Phillips) that as a nation we ought to give serious consideration to incorporating certain elements of Sharia law into our own legal system? Hardly a mark of a despised culture.
The liberal establishment, obsessed with "multiculturalism" has actively embraced moslems and other incomers and they are to be found in politics and community leadership. In local authorities such as Newham and Tower Hamlets the moslem voice is a very essential part of local governance and decision-making. That is as it should be.
Over the past few years, under the "New Labour Project" we have actually seen a situation develop where Moslem and other minority sections of our communities are now seen as more equal than the indigenious population. This is why the Labour vote in many inner city areas of England has fallen. Ask the voters of Barking & Dagenham why they voted BNP. This is not the fault of Moslems. The chattering classes of Barnesbury and Blair's cronies have encouraged this nonsense which does no favours to moslems. It leads to stupid announcements by the likes of Lord Justice Phillips and the Archbishop of Canterbury. As I say, this type of thinking does no one any good.