Well, Ireland was magnificent and interesting and almost rain free! I will say that again, barely a drop of rain for two weeks. We had a few grey, murky days that sent the odd spit and spat of rain on the car windscreen but that was it. In Kerry we had days when the clouds were nearly down on the ground and the mountains were totally wreathed in grey and white.
More on the holiday later.
I can truly claim that I know little of what has been going on in the world as a whole. The media in Ireland, especially the TV appears to be almost entirely parochial. So I can tell you that Monsieur Sarkozy got a thoroughly hostile reception during his trip to Dublin. If there were any doubt about the legitimacy of the recent 'NO' vote on the Lisbon treaty there could be none after Sarkozy stuck his oar in to the local debate. Hostile? You bet! Never a kind word for the man and his delightful wife and her charming beauty could not snatch the situation back. The response of Ireland to Sarkozy's suggestion that, perhaps, the recent Referendum Vote on the treaty had been a "mistake" brought about through ignorance was thoroughly demolished. It has to be said that Monsieur Sarkozy hardly helped his own case by appearing to patronise the Irish and seeming to infer that the Irish had lived up to their stereotype of being, really rather stupid.
Obama in Europe: I only picked up the 'flavour' of this news item. I am afraid that in Ireland it came across rather like a lap of honour for someone who already believes that he has won the Presidential election. This signal lack of humility on his part may yet prove to be his undoing.
I have returned recharged and reinspired and the novel is begun. Only 900 words yesterday but I already have a head spinning with words and phrases and plots and I have only been up an hour!