Today has been a very busy one. I have spent the day looking at job adverts and filling in online application forms. Now I have a headache from staring at the screen all day so I am going to make this short.
I hate being in this position. Looking for work is never easy and when I get turned down or not short-listed I tend to get depressed and paranoid and think I am just not good enough.As I am not on benefits I get very anxious/desperate. I don't have any large savings in the bank. My rent is £500 a month (went out last Friday) and I have to cover that. My money will last me three weeks if I live very (very) frugally.
A lot of vacancies in today's Guardian so it did keep me busy. I don't tend to like online application forms. My experience of them is usually spending hours filling them in, only to 'lose them' in the cyber world somewhere never seen again. I also had three calls from one of my employment agencies. And one from my current agency. I threw a little bomb in there ("Oh yes, that must be the same post as so and so have just offered me as well...") so maybe they will stop treating me with familiarity and actually get up off their arses and find me a job now they know that they have competition. They (Reed) haven't done so well so far. Not one call to me. I had to phone them yesterday just to remind them I was still here and still looking...
In contrast I only signed on with this other agency last Friday and they have already put me up for 7 jobs (and... no empty promises either). We will see.
I decided today that I would broaden out and start emphasising my training/mentoring/coaching skills. I don't want to only be up for social work jobs. I have a struggle with the agencies who, somehow refuse to acknowledge those parts of my CV and only put me up for bog standard "foot soldier" social worker case managment jobs. I am really ticked off with that stuff. Seen it. Done it. Got the scars on my back. What do I have to prove? So I put my CV up on someone's website selling my other skills and I already got a telephone call. I haven't clinched the job yet; we are going to have another "conversation" next Monday.
So far, a profitable day and one full of hope.