It causes me a certain amount of irritation when persons in my parish come up to me and say how wonderful it is that Barak Obama won the Presidential campaign. Why? Do they neither know nor care about this man's record on abortion. That Obama is not just "pro-choice" but is actually extreme in that support?
He has let it be known that the first piece of legislation that his government has already lined up ready to go, is an act called "The Freedom of Choice" Act. Among other things this piece of legislation removes any and all "obstacles" to procuring and obtaining an abortion. That is to say that a woman may procure an abortion at any time during gestation, right up until the moment of birth in fact.
It is also insanely misnamed. Why? Because this so called "Freedom of Choice" Act removes the conscientious clause from the medical profession. This act makes it a Federal Offence for any doctor or nurse to refuse to carry out, or even participate in a medical abortion.
This is absolutely awful.
It is, apparently a "good thing" that Obama became President, the first black person, etc, etc. Here is a grim fact for black people to contemplate; In the US white women procure abortions at the rate of 7 per thousand live births; in the black community on the other hand, the rate is 17 per thousand. Abortion impacts more on the bl;ack community than on the white. This fulfills Margaret Sanger's belief that the black and other 'inferior' races needed to be controlled. This is known as Eugenics. But more correctly should be called by what it is; genocide.
Margaret Sanger founded an organisation called Planned Parenthood. The strategy of PP is to site abortion factories in 'deprived neighbourhoods'. This inevitably means poor black and Hispanic neighbourhoods Genocide it most certainly is. Some 5,000 American troops have been killed in Iraq since the invasion of 2003. 16,000 babies are murdered every day in the United States in the abortion factories.
Lest we Forget. Have mercy on their souls, O Lord, have mercy.