Here is my prediction. Obama will win the Presidential Election tonight. Thereafter, and pretty quickly the American people will see right through him and realise that the man has no policies and no integrity. They will quickly discover that President Obama cannot deliver on his promise of hope. He will find that he has won a poisoned chalice. That a man with his idealogy nontheless is still in thrall to the economic ("It's the economy, stupid) situation as it is. He will find himself presiding over an economy in recession where it isn't in meltdown. Try as he might he will not be able to prevent the factories and Business's of America from closing down.
He will quickly discover that it will not be as easy or as credible for him to pull out of two wars simultaneously as he has said it will be. American boys and girls will continue to come home in coffins and Obama will merely be able to wring his hands.
President Obama will not be given a second chance. After all his sentiments of hope and change, if he cannot give people hope in what his government does, and if he cannot change American society and government as he claims he can, well, electorates the world over are fairly unforgiving.
If Obama's presidency proves to be one of unfulfilled promise then I think it will be very likely that the Republicans will reap the benefits and I could envisage a situation whereby they gain the next two, maybe even three elections just as New Labour under Blair were able to exploit the weakness and disappointment that was the Major governemnt and gain three terms.
The Republicans have three years to find a truly credible candidate. I don't think that candidate will be Sarah Palin although I do think that she will spend the next few years becoming a truly serious candidate, ready for the election of '16. I am sure that their will be people within the Republican party who will see to it that she sits on the right committees in Congress and that she visits the right countries to meet the right global politicians so that she gains that all important gravitas that comes from experience.