Whatever one thinks of the final outcome of the United States election one factor stands out very clearly. It was a tremendous lesson in how to do Democracy (with a capital 'D'). Democracy and democratic ideals are at the very heart of what makes America. It is the other part of that great American dream which others find so attractive about the country. The idea that, no matter who you are or where you come from, only work hard and you too can make it and become "someone". If this was not always most obvious in the past; and yes, there are some apalling examples of democracy denied in the United States especially in some of the Southern States and especially victimising the black Americans, it is obvious today.
Barack Obama's historic victory on Tuesday's election was a tremendous victory for that democratic ideal. Perhaps all those Guardanista opinion makers, those members of the "chattering classes" and the arty literary liberal set who have over the past years pontificated on the theme of "how dare those pernicious americans presume to teach the Iraqis/Afghans/Pakistanis/ (fill in the missing countries) about democracy and the rule of law" would like to apologise? Yes, the United States can proudly continue to teach the rest of us about democracy. They have a thoroughly good example of it right here last Tuesday.