Over on my favourite blogspot - www.mulier-fortis.blogspot.com my friend Mac blogs on her surreal experience of getting lost in a place you know so well!
Well, this happened to me this week. On Tuesday I visited a client who has moved out of area to Ilford. I had looked up the address in the A-Z and I thought I had memorised the route. Plus, as a lad Ilford was a place I visited very regularly. Ilford was the place we went as kids for the 'special' shop - birthdays, Easter, Christmas. And I remember many Saturday afternoons trawling in and out of the shops along Ilford High Street. Of course, this Ilford which I knew was the one of thirty odd years ago...
Firstly, the bus drops me off in an unexpected place. Something to do with road works. So I find myself in an urban sort of desert. Large urban motorway, flyovers, big roundabout, buildings I have never seen before. It is called the "Redevelopment of Ilford" or something. I find myself walking up and down the road looking for a familiar landmark so I can orientate myself. I get sweaty, stressed, anxious before I clap eyes on a shop which seems to me to be familiar. Then I spot another, and slowly I discover where I am. Thank goodness for old Bodgers! And Waring and Gillow!
Today was another "lost in space" experience. This time I was down in Canning Town and boy, has that place changed! Its a horrid effect of old age! Its called progress... or something!