Hang on to your hat... I am about to publish a rather nasty little rant from some talentless little runt.
From This evenings London Paper, a freebie.
An Interview with Guillermo del Toro, Director of Pan's Labyrinth, Hell Boy, and future Director of the Lord of the Rings "prequel" The Hobbit.
" Mexican filmaker Guillermo del Toro is partial to a good fairytale. "People might think they're childish or fanciful" smiles the director, "but for me politics, religion and economics are far more so. They're bigger fairytales than the fairytales! And they destroy the Soul."
It's this idea that informs both Pan's Labyrinth, his 2006 Spanish-Language masterpiece, and his latest, the comic book picture Hellboy II: The Golden Army.
"I,ve always thought Pan's is very close to the Hellboy films,"...
"In both films there's the idea that you can listen to what the world tells you to do and be, or you can choose what you should be. In the words of Jesus christ or, perhaps better, Popeye: I am what I am!"
In the case of Hellboy, the hero is a demonic creature, who, despite his devilish appearance, fights for the powers of light....
"The director adds, "People should listen more to fairytales, not politics or religion." He laughs.
"Really, I mean, who wants to take advice from some old guy in a robe sitting in Rome who never got laid?"
Lauren Williams - The London Paper
One thing you can be certain about. Mr del Toro would never talk about Islam in the same way he disrespects the Church here. I wonder why that is?