A few minutes ago I witnessed the ugly face of our society today. Hearing screaming and shouting of the most foul language I went to the window. Down below were two black youths gesticulating and making obscene gestures and threats towards a third partry whom I could not see.
A car sped down the road towards the two youth and they ran away down the road. Then they ran back - I heard threats. "Come on, we want to gut you, come on pussy" This was aimed at a white man who had got out of the car and was shouting something back to the two youths, something about damage to his car. The youth claimed to have knives although I did not see any. One of them had picked up a bottle from somewhere and he broke the bottle against a wall and shook it at the man - "Gonna cut your +++++++++++ head off"
Even as I reached for the phone to call the Police the two youth then ran away leaving the motorist to look over his car, take a photo of the damage, then slowly drive away.